Frequently Asked Questions

For Residents

How can I let my care team know my preferences for care?

We encourage discussion between you and your family regarding your preferences for personal care, medical treatment, health care services, diet, religion and financial matters.

We recommend you complete a personal directive before move-in if you are able to make
your own decisions. A personal directive provides your preferences for medical treatment
and health care should you become unable to make your own decisions.
If you have a personal directive, we will request a copy for placement in your chart. Your
doctor will discuss your care with you and complete a Goals of Care Directive that will
guide staff in your care.

Who will take care of my medical needs?

When you move into a CapitalCare centre, a doctor will be assigned to oversee your medical needs and perform an initial medical assessment.

How are my medications managed?

Most medications are provided by the CapitalCare pharmacy as long as they are ordered by the doctor. There are occasional exceptions to this, in which case, family or a friend may be asked to fill a prescription at a local pharmacy.

We ask that you do not bring in medications unless is has been ordered by your doctor. A member of the nursing staff will keep tract of your medication and make sure that the right dose is given at the right time.

You will be notified if changes are made to your medications. The nurse or pharmacist will be able to help you with any questions you have about medications.

Can centre staff or volunteers accompany me on outside appointments?

It is your responsibility to make arrangements to be accompanied to appointments outside the centre. Staff or volunteers are not permitted to accompany residents on outside appointments. Costs related to private companions or transportation to appointments are your responsibility.

How will my caregivers communicate with me?

We value partnerships, team work and open honest communication between you, your family and your caregivers. We are committed to providing you with information to make decisions regarding your care, keeping you informed of your health status and disclosing adverse events.

We take errors seriously. In the event of an error, we will investigate and communicate so that you are aware of what happed and so that we can prevent similar situations from arising in the future.

Privacy and health information legislation do not permit us to share personal or health information with all of your family members or friends unless permission have been give by your or your decision maker.

For Families

I am looking for long-term care for a loved one. How do I get on a waiting list?

An assessment by Alberta Health Services, Community Care Access, is required before placements into our CapitalCare centres and programs. Please call (780) 496-1300.

How much does it cost per month for a single room with bathroom?

Our current rates are $66.95 per day or $2008.50 per month for a private room. A semi-private room is $57.90 per day or $1737.00 per month.

How can I participate in the care of my loved one?

Maintaining relationships with family and friends is an important part of a resident’s health
and well-being. Families can be a great help to the resident and care team by:

  • Sharing information with the care team about the past routines and preferences of
    their loved one
  • Assisting in the communication of information if there is a language or cognitive
  • Adding social and emotional meaning by treating your loved one with special
    attention, favourite foods or activities
  • Assisting with specific tasks such as laundering special items, helping at mealtimes or
    purchasing clothing or other personal items for your loved one.

When can I come to visit?

We expect families to visit regularly and provide support to their loved one in care. Families are welcome at any time providing that the visiting does not disturb other residents and that behaviour of visitors is respectful to residents and staff. Most families visit between 8am and 9pm. There are lounge areas available for visits with friends and family in addition to the residents room.

Can I take my loved one out of the centre for a visit?

Yes. Please let the staff know in advance if you are taking your loved one out so that medications can be prepared in advance. Also, please sign out when leaving the centre. Staff on the unit can explain the sign out  procedure.

How does CapitalCare support residents with dementia?

About 70 percent of our residents have some form of dementia. Please be assured that
we are very experienced with dementia care. Our staff are required to attend a training
program called Supportive Pathways that supports the care of persons with dementia,
cognitive impairment or mental health needs.
Dementia involves the loss of memory, judgment, reasoning and social skills as well as
changes in mood and behaviour. It is usually caused by damage in the brain from diseases
such as Alzheimer’s disease, or vascular disease (strokes).
Many families experience difficulty coping with the changes their loved one experiences as dementia progresses. If you would like more information on dementia, or the availability of support groups or other resources, please talk with your Care Manager or Social Worker.

Service Providers

How does my business get on your Service Provider List?

You can email at or contact our Contracts and Aquisitions Coordinator at (780) 448-2428.