News Archive
Angels Make Christmas Special for Residents in Need
Christmas morning was made special for residents of CapitalCare centres who do not have family or friends involved in their care when a gift arrived for them marked “from someone who cares.” Read More.
Together 4 Health Headlines.
June 7, 2021 - On May 20, approximately 120 residents enjoyed going through a custom-made Tim Hortons drive-thru at the CapitalCare Kipnes Centre for Veterans in Edmonton. Read More.
CapitalCare Kipnes Centre for Veterans resident Donna McCallum was a “hard working farm mom,” according to her son Stuart, raising her family on a 160-acre farm west of Edmonton in the Winterburn area, along with tending to chickens, pigs, cows, and a huge garden. Read More.
Seniors group show appreication for 170 Street pedestrian overpass replacement
July 9, 2021 - Edmonton Journal - A small crowd of seniors gathered outside of Laurier House Lynnwood for the appreciation ceremony of the new and improved pedestrain bridge. Read More.
Alberta Budget 2021
Global News - The provincial budget was delivered by Finance Minister Travis Toews, including detailed plans to spend $246 million on the Gene Zwozdesky Centre at Norwood over the next three years. Read More.
Long-term care residents receive second shot of COVID-19 vaccine.
February 5, 2021 - A little bit more hope has been injected into local long-term care centres.
CapitalCare Strathcona residents have received their second doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Read More.
CapitalCare Lynnwood now COVID-19 free.
January 23, 2021 - CTV News - “We are grateful for the support of our families and staff as we worked through this challenging time,” Bonnie Roberts, Site Director at CapitalCare Lynnwood. CapitalCare Lynnwood is now COVID-free. Read More.
The Sherwood Park News - Sometimes you just need a reminder that someone is thinking of you and that you're loved. Armed with 60 care packages and signs of encouragement, Strathcona Christian Academy grade 10 to 12 students paid a physically distanced outdoor visit to CapitalCare Strathcona residents. Read more.
CapitalCare Strathocona residents feeling the love amid the pandemic.
January 29, 2021 - The Sherwood Park News - Sometimes you just need a reminder that someone is thinking of you and that you're loved. Armed with 60 care packages and signs of encouragement, Strathcona Christian Academy grade 10 to 12 students paid a physically distanced outdoor visit to CapitalCare Strathcona residents. Read more.
What you need to know about mRNA vaccines
January 23, 2021 - When the opportunity came to get the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, Sahra Kaahiye, a respiratory therapist at CapitalCare Norwood, she decided to get it. At first, Kaahiye was worried about getting it but then she said she did her homework. Read More.
CapitalCare resident Vera Saunders, marks 108th birthday
Edmonton AM with Mark Connolly, Tara McCarthy - Aug. 7, 2020: 108th birthday - "She lived through the Spanish Flu, and friends and neighbours perished in that flu, but here she is today, and because of their care & precautions, she's still with us and well." Read More.
Listen to the complete interview with CapitalCare Laurier House Lynnwood resident Vera Saunders and her family on the occasion her 108th birthday.
Social Distancing at its best at CapitalCare Dickinsfield
July 5, 2020 - Continuing Care Safety Association - In this new COVID world, we have adopted a new vocabulary. One of the terms we now hear on a daily basis is social distancing. When the announcement came that families of residents were allowed to have outdoor visits, the staff at CapitalCare Dickinsfield were very excited...Read More.
CBC’s Tara McCarthy paid Dickinsfield a visit to deliver cards to some residents.
May 7, 2020 - CBC News - It was heartwarming moment as she waved through the window to residents and handed over a stack of personalized messages from CBC announcers. Watch the story here.
Edmonton Dance Company gives outdoor performance to CapitalCare Dickinsfield seniors
May 6, 2020 - Global News - A group of Edmonton dancers from a local dance studio, Dance Theme, are taking performances off the stage and onto the sidewalk for residents at CapitalCare Dickinisfield. Read More.
Staying Connected at Kipnes Centre for Veterans during COVID-19
Alberta Prime Time - April 14, 2020 - Seniors residences a bastion of connection and care: At CapitalCare homes in Edmonton and area, staff are sharing ideas and likewise creating inventive ways for residents and families to stay connected. From technology-focused tablets, cellphones, face-time, Skype and Zoom sessions, to old-school postcards and letters, the goal is to keep life as normal as possible while maintaining the health and safety of residents. Read more... Read More.
Revamped Norwood care centre to honour the late Gene Zwozdesky
February 26, 2020 - Edmonton Journal - It was truly a wonderful moment on Monday when the new name was revealed for the expansion and re-development of the Norwood CapitalCare.... Read More .
Community benefits from globetrotting opera singer
February 10, 2020 Edmonton Journal - Edmonton born-and-raised opera singer, Darcia Parada, sang with the folks at the Kipnes Centre for Veterans at the Love is in the Air fundraiser to purchase Wi-Fi internet service for the centre's residents. Read More.
Kipnes Centre veteran celebrates big milestone
January 9, 2020 Edmonton Sun - Gordon King became Edmonton's last centenarian. Friends and family gathered at the Kipnes Centre for Veterans to celebrate the milestone. Read More.
Giving the Gift of Time
He survived the war, including the “great escape” from a German prison. Now, as he approaches his 100th birthday, Gordon King’s new-found friendship with an 87-year-old war enthusiast might just be the medicine both men need to keep fighting the war on loneliness.
The holidays are traditionally a period for reflection and catching up with friends and family. Seniors living in care homes often struggle over the holidays, even though there are an abundance of residents, staff, volunteers and activities.
“We know that those who are more connected with their family and friends lead longer, happier, and healthier lives,” says Jodi Hall, Chair of the Canadian Association for Long-Term Care (CALTC)
The CALTC is asking people to give those living in long-term care the gift of time this holiday season.
“By reaching out during the festive season to elderly family members or friends, we can make a huge difference in someone’s quality of life.”
Gordon King, 99, has lived at the CapitalCare Kipnes Centre for Veterans for three years. His family visits often, but the days can still be long.
Gene Sabo, 87, lives in the community and started coming to the Day Program at the Kipnes Centre this spring. Day Programs provide socialization and exercise to keep frail seniors healthy and living in the community as long as possible.
Gordon and Gene connected after discovering they had a mutual interest in war stories and memorabilia.
The two visit with each other every Monday and Wednesday while Sabo attends the Day Program.
“Mr. King always has a smile for me and we are always glad to see each other and spend time together,” says Mr. Sabo. “We can be content to just sit together. We don’t have to talk all the time. Sometimes we just hold hands.”
“CapitalCare Kipnes Centre for Veterans is a very special place,” says Gene’s daughter Shelley. “Caring staff create the conditions for natural friendships to nurture and grow. Being part of a community where one feels like they belong is known to be good for one’s well-being.”
“Human contact is so important. It is so needed in a place like this. Maybe it does not seem like much, but it means a lot to both of us. We hope our friendship encourages other friendships to grow.”
Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado's visit to Edmonton
September 12, 2019 - Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado of Japan visited CapitalCare McConnell Place North last month to learn about our model for dementia care. Her Imperial Highness was in Edmonton to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of diplomatic relations beween Japan and Canada. Read More.
Volunteers keep soldiers past and present connected
November 11, 2019 - On Remembrance Day and always we remember our veterans - those brave men and women who went to war for our country. Read More.
Slow revolution in seniors' care a welcome boon for Edmonton
July 9, 2019, Edmonton Journal - Edmonton is serveral years in a much needed revolution in seniors' care. It started about five to seven years ago, when several local leaders toured dementia-care facilities in the Netherlands and brought expert Dr. David Sheard here to speak. Read More.
Resident of the Year - Justin Cooper
You wouldn’t think someone living in a nursing home is an avid collector of Funko Pops and a small-time, livestream gamer. But at just 24 years old, Justin Cooper is not only one of the most well-known residents of CapitalCare Dickinsfield, he’s also this year’s “Resident of the Year.”
“This year’s recipient has demonstrated that age and disability do not separate him from others, and this is evident in the relationships he has built with other residents in the facility, young and old alike,” care manager Brent Huculak told Justin’s peers and family, who gathered June 5 for the presentation of the annual award, typically presented during Seniors’ Week.
“Justin has a special charisma about him that makes others want to befriend him,” Huculak continued. “He always has time to talk with others, always offers to help, and shares his interests and passions with others.”
One of Justin’s interests is in online gaming. He was recently featured in an article about how gamers with disabilities find acceptance and inclusion in the digital world. Cooper’s technical competence is appreciated by staff and peers at Dickinsfield as well.
“We refer to him as our own in-house ‘geek squad,” says Huculak, referring to Justin’s willingness to assist whenever someone is having difficulty with their televisions, tablets or digital devices.
Cooper, who recently graduated from the Radio and Television Arts program at NAIT, and can be seen on video giving virtual tours of the centre, dreams of getting a job in broadcasting someday.
Meantime, with his positive attitude and great communications skills, he contents himself with building bridges between residents who have difficulty expressing their needs, and staff. “It’s my way of giving back,” says Cooper.
So how does Cooper, who was just 19 when he came to live at Dickinsfield, feel about living amongst older people?
”I’ve learned so much just talking to people here. We’re all just people. We like interacting just as much as anyone else.”
“Honestly, it’s gotten to be my home, and the staff…I think of them as my family.”
Celebrating 40 years of CapitalCare Dickinsfield
Part 5 of a 5 part series
In the present decade, Dickinsfield has focused on modernizing the building to support CapitalCare’s journey towards person-centred care.
Dickinsfield was one of three CapitalCare centres to renovate its dining rooms with funds raised by the CapitalCare Foundation’s Cooking Up Quality of Life campaign. Nine new dining rooms were redone between 2013 and 2014.
The new dining rooms led to mealtimes becoming more person-centred.
“Residents look forward to mealtimes,” says site director Tracey Buffam. “It’s the single biggest change we can make to improve their quality of life, and that’s what residents and families want most from us.”
Person-centered care is about knowing and respecting the resident as a whole person – hot just treating their medical needs – and helping them to live fully.
Improvements to the physical structure are made with this in mind, such as the addition of Connect Corner in the fall of 2017. Connect Corner and family relaxation area provides opportunities and equipment for residents to connect with their families and friends through Skype and other social media, therefore maintaining important relationships, which contributes to quality of life.
Dickinsfield is also making changes to accommodate the changing needs of people coming into continuing care. The swimming pool, which had closed in the previous decade and was a disused space, was renovated in 2018 into a modern space for the Young Adult Day Support program.
The space used by the YADS program is now being used as a day support program for people with dementia living in their own homes.
One thing that hasn’t changed at Dickinsfield since it first opened its doors is its commitment to caring. “Over the years we’ve made a difference in people’s lives and for staff, there’s great satisfaction in that,” says Buffam.
Part 4 of a 5 part series
In the 2000s, the trend towards smaller, more home-like long-term care facilities, the creation of Alberta Health Services, and the increasing complexity of people’s care needs caused further changes at Dickinsfield.
In 2005, renovations began to install kitchens on the units where residents lived. Main D, where the young adults live, was the first dining room to get a “servery,” a trend that would continue over the next decade throughout the centre.
CapitalCare’s central pharmacy, located at Dickinsfield, benefitted from advanced technology and medication delivery became more efficient, allowing CapitalCare centres to manage the complexity of conditions in people coming into continuing care.
Another corporate service department - materials management- amalgamated with Alberta Health Services, and the old Stores space at Dickinsfield was closed. This lead to another CapitalCare first: a classroom in a continuing care centre.
In partnership with NorQuest College, a Practical Nurse training program was offered at Dickinsfield. Students and residents alike benefitted from the daily contact and
students gained practical experience in the continuing care sector, which was experiencing a shortage of trained workers at the time. Several graduates of the program went on to work at Dickinsfield or other continuing care centres.
Part 3 of a 5 part series
If the 80s were about expanding nursing support to specialized populations, then the 90s were about expanding nursing care and services to the community.
In 1993, Dickinsfield led the way by introducing the Young Adult Day Support (YADS) program. This program enabled participants between the ages of 18 and 55 to come to the centre for social and rehabilitative activities, while still living at home and maintaining their independence.
In 1996, CapitalCare (known then as The Capital Care Group) took the concept of caring for young adults to the next level by opening the Young Adult Duplexes - care housing in the community - as a satellite of
Dickinsfield. Fourteen residents from the YAU who could live with more independence were moved to the Duplexes, located in a residential neighborhood on Edmonton’s north side.
That same year, Dickinsfield began operating CapitalCare’s first CHOICE (Comprehensive Home Option of Integrated Care) program, a day program designed to help seniors stay in their own home longer. Participants travel by bus to the CHOICE centre where they can socialize with other seniors, participate in activities and get support for their medical needs.
Part 2 of a 5 part series
In the 1980s long-term care in Alberta started to head in new directions. Programs were developed for specialized populations and Dickinsfield’s home-like setting made it an ideal setting for young adults with disabilities.
In 1984, Dickinsfield opened the Young Adult Unit (YAU) - one of only two such units in the province and a first for CapitalCare. To accommodate the unique interests and more active lifestyles of a younger population, Dickinsfield adopted a look and feel that was more rec room than nursing home; plush carpeting, wood paneling, sofa sets, coffee tables, fireplaces and even a shuffleboard started to make their way into the centre’s décor.
In Dickinsfield’s auditorium, residents could gather to watch the Oilers and the Eskimos rather than Lawrence Welk, play wheelchair floor hockey, and dance. The young and old mixed at pub nights in the centre’s social club, The Great Escape.
Connie Bleau has worked at Dickinsfield since 1986, where she started as a STEP Student in Recreation Therapy, and she managed seven different departments before becoming Care Manager. She recalls taking residents of the YAU on different trips. “We took some of the residents on a trip to Las Vegas, and we took some of them to Expo 86. Those were nice experiences for them.”
Part 1 of a 5 part series
When the Dickinsfield Extended Care Centre opened in 1979, it was a state-of-the-art building that set a new standard for long-term care facilities.
As the first facility in Alberta to combine auxiliary hospital and nursing home levels of care in a home-like setting, Dickinsfield led the way with establishing specialized units and programs to accommodate entirely new populations of people needing long-term care.
Forty years later, CapitalCare Dickinsfield has earned its reputation for providing quality long-term care for both young and older adults, and is modernizing its once award-winning building to pave the way for its latest endeavour - person-centred care.
In the 70s, Edmonton had experienced a major construction boom. Between 1971 and 1978 the city had built Commonwealth Stadium, the Edmonton Coliseum, the Muttart Conservatory, and the Kinsmen Sports Centre. By the end of the decade, it seemed as though Edmonton had it all.
CapitalCare, then-Hospital District #24, was already operating three auxiliary hospitals (Norwood, Lynnwood and Grandview) as well as the new Angus McGugan Nursing Home (at Norwood). However, there was a need for a long-term care centre on the city’s north side.
In 1974, Roger Parker, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, approved planning for the new Dickinsfield Extended Care Centre. The idea was to integrate auxiliary hospital care - the highest level of continuing care - with nursing home level care, in one, less institutional and more home-like setting. Combining these two levels of care meant that residents would not have to relocate as their medical conditions changed.
On May 28, 1979, the 300-bed Dickinsfield Extended Care Centre officially opened its’ doors. Not only did the centre offer the only integrated care in Alberta, it also boasted an impressive rehabilitation centre - including a pool where residents could work on muscle therapy- and a pub.
It had an on-site pharmacy, which dispensed pharmaceuticals for all of CapitalCare’s sites; a warehouse (called Stores) for materials used by the centres; and heated underground parking for staff. The building was so impressive it earned the 1979 Architectural Award from the City of Edmonton.
Many staff for the new centre relocated from CapitalCare’s three other centres to work closer to where they lived. Nursing attendant Adrien Mortensen joined Dickinsfield a week before it opened and recalled spending her first days on the job cleaning the building from the construction, then admitting 10 residents a day to unit Main C/D.
“It was hard work,” she said, “but it was fun too because the building was so new.”
Among the first residents to be admitted was a married couple. One advantage of the two levels of care at Dickinsfield is that married couples with differing needs could remain together.
Besides its state-of-the art building and trained staff, Dickinsfield benefitted from the efforts of a core group of dedicated volunteers. The Dickinsfield Auxiliary formed three months prior to the centre opening and had already swung into action, assisting staff members with admissions, then conducting tours and serving tea to guests on opening day.
The Auxiliary established the Tuck Shop to sell toiletries, snacks and some gift items and to generate funds to provide residents with extra amenities that government funding did not cover. These included pianos, a resident bus, and a chapel among many other things.
Angela Bennett is Dickinsfield’s Coordinator of Volunteer Services. “We cannot do without their support, and every day that they continue to serve CapitalCare Dickinsfield is a blessing for our residents and ourselves,” says Angela. “Volunteers are the unsung heroes who give their time and talents to improve quality of life for our residents.”
Next week we will hear how Dickinsfield expanded through the 80s with a program for young adults with disabilities.
Seven-story tower, garden to highligh massive CapitalCare Norwood revamp.
June 11, 2018 - Alberta Health Services has unveiled its designs for the giant project...Read More.
Love is in the air
CapitalCare Kipnes Centre for Veterans celebrated “Love is in the Air” February 9, a night that featured stories of love united through music.
One story shared was Eugene and Sheila’s, who have been together just over two years.
Eugene and Sheila met each other at the Kipnes Day Program. Both widows, they came to the program needing support to manage their ongoing health issues. They only saw each other once a week, but that was enough for them to connect.
As time passed, staff started noticing Eugene and Sheila were always together.
“Both of them would attend Friday mass, and rather than returning to the day program, they would sit side by side, holding hands in the big chairs in the front of the fire,” says Day Program Coordinator Barb Potter.
Soon enough, Eugene went to a Christmas party where he met Sheila’s daughters and afterwards revealed to staff that they were officially “an item.”
Overtime, their relationship flourished. However, life dealt Sheila another challenge. As her health issues intensified, Sheila needed long-term care. She moved from one care centre to another before finding herself living at the Kipnes Centre. Throughout this whole experience, Eugene stood by her side, even helping her move from one residence to another.
“The heart knows love, and the heart knows what the heart wants…. and the heart doesn’t have any wrinkles,” says Sheila.
YADS Celebrates 25th Anniversary
Since 1993, the Young Adult Day Support Program at CapitalCare Dickinsfield has been helping people with disabilities to live with confidence in the community, delaying and even preventing placement into long-term care.
Today the program occupies a bright modern space of its own on the second floor. Nearly 40 young adults (18 – 55) come to the program – most twice a week – to take part in recreational activities, receive some nursing care, and be in the company of others with disabilities.
“It’s hard to describe the relationships that are built each and every day,” says Connie Bleau, the program manager. “When I come into the program I am very cautious not to interrupt the group as I see how engaged the clients are in the daily programs and activities,” says Bleau. “Clients sharing, joking, competing, helping, supporting, encouraging each other is just a part of each and every day in the program.”
When the program first opened day program clients mixed in with long-term care residents.
One of the most memorable moments was the wedding of day program client George Stewart on June 15, 1994.
George met his wife Anita a few years before the accident that left him with an acquired brain injury. While Anita, a dental technologist, stayed by his side throughout his recovery, George lost many friendships after the accident.
George started coming to the day program in 1994 and made so many new friends, the couple decided to get married on the unit, in the company of their friends and supporters. Today, George and Anita continue to live in their Millwoods home. George still attends the program two days a week.
“It’s been a godsend for him, and me,” says George’s wife.
Resident of the Year - Alex Rattray
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Don, Alex, and Debbie with the "Resident of the Year" award |
CapitalCare Dickinsfield resident Alex Rattray is this year’s “Resident of the Year.” The award is a way for Dickinsfield’s residents to recognize an individual who is a positive role model and enhances the quality of life for those around them. Last year’s recipient, Debbie Frey, presented the award to Alex at a tea held during Seniors’ Week, June 3-9.
“Alex is a kind and welcoming person, who always keeps his doors open and we would like to thank him today for the difference he makes in the lives of other residents every day,” said Debbie.
Alex was born and raised on a farm outside of Wainwright, Alberta. He left the farm to attend veterinary school at Guelph University, in Ontario. In 1948 he opened Edmonton’s first animal hospital – the Blue Cross Animal Hospital. During his career, Alex treated race horses and was as the track veterinarian at Northlands.
Alex has been a dedicated volunteer throughout his lifetime and in 2006 received the Minister’s Seniors Service Award. Alex was married for nearly 71 years and has three children, 10 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren.
Alex, a resident on 3A (Aspen Lane) since November 2015, loves sports and has won awards in nearly all the sports he has participated in, many after the age of 80. He shares his love of games and sports almost daily with other residents with the help of his son, Don.
Families help create spaces that bring back memories.
The grand opening of the Harvest General Store featured old-fashioned ice cream sundaes.
“I think all of us can remember places like this from our childhoods,” says Renee Rhodes, Care Practice Lead for CapitalCare Strathcona. "More importantly, our residents can recall these stores too".
“This was an opportunity to create a place to visit and reminisce.”
The opening of the General Store marks the third time under-used space at Strathcona’s Harvest House has been transformed to reflect CapitalCare’s shift towards a culture of person-centred care.
Related stories: Nursery Creates a Space for Stimulation and Interaction
As with the nursery and the calming room, the Tralnberg family were again instrumental in the development of this room, everything from helping with the faux wood painting to hanging reclaimed barn wood on the wall. They also donated the old carriage trunks and food scale, which came from a family farm outside Beaumont.
Another family member, Darryl Vincent, donated and built the store countertop, while staff and families also contributed by donating vintage items to create the look of an early 20th century store. These donations of items coupled with donations to the CapitalCare Foundation have made this room possible.
“It has been absolutely wonderful to see the enthusiasm for this project from the families, visitors and staff,” says Rhodes.
“Our residents now come down to the store and wander in, visitors and volunteers are often seen bringing residents from the other parts of the building.
“One family member noted it was just like the old store her mother had in their small town.”
Please note: Artifacts in the store are not for sale. Strathcona’s gift shop is located in the main building by the administrative offices.
RELATED: Watch CTV here
Homemade and heartfelt Christmas decor is better than brand new
CBC News December 23 2017 - When you put a decorator in a space with long hallways and blank walls, things are bound to happen — especially at Christmas.
It doesn't matter that there is no budget. A piece of paper becomes a poinsettia; a cardboard tube transforms into a star-burst; a tree ornament is fabricated from a coffee pod. They all add colour and cheer.
And at the Kipnes Centre for Veterans, the combination of homemade and heartfelt is in some ways even better than brand new. Read More.
Spirit of remembrance is year-round at Kipnes Centre
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World War II veteran Jack Owen |
Edmonton Journal, November 10, 2017 - The Kipnes Centre for Veterns is home to more than 80 veterans. "Last week we were having a welcome tea talking about one of our paratroopers who jumped out of a plane 127 times". Read More.
Health Minister recognized CapitalCare Strathcona as a centre of excellence in providing person-centred care.
CapitalCare Strathcona has been recognized by the Alberta government for providing excellent person-centred care.
“This facility offers an excellent example of our beliefs in making sure Alberta seniors and others with specific needs are supported in a comfortable, person-centred environment that respects their dignity.”
Alberta Health Minister Sarah Hoffman made the statement on Facebook after a tour of the Sherwood Park continuing care centre which included a stop in the Harvest House nursery.
The nursery was created earlier this year, the brainchild of Care Practice Leader Renee Rhodes, who worked with residents’ families to transform disused spaces into stimulating, person-centred environments. A man cave, spa, bistro and calming room were also part of the project.
“The idea behind these environments to give people living with dementia a place to go, to stimulate memories, and build relationships,” says Liz Tanti, Site Director at CapitalCare Strathcona.
Karen Cavanaugh’s mother Lorraine has been a resident of Harvest House for over three years. Karen says it was heartbreaking for her to visit and find her mom and other residents with nothing to do, just staring at blank walls.
In February, Karen attended a resident/family council meeting where the idea of the nursery was being discussed. She posted to a Facebook page of local moms asking for donations of baby gear for the project. The response was so overwhelming, she had to turn donors away. Everything from the crib, to the strollers to clothing came from the community and took just four days to acquire.
Once the room was set-up, residents immediately started interacting with the babies, and with each other. See the video here.
Renee believes the babies and the nursery have reached residents at the level of their feelings.
“They may not be able to remember what they are supposed to be doing, but they instinctively know how to be around a baby,” said Renee.
Thanks to the Cavanaugh family and everyone who contributed to this wonderful project.
- Bernadette DeSantis, CapitalCare Communications
Volunteers who make a difference
Long time volunteers, Frank Coady and Rudy Chowaniec.
The “Kings of the BBQ” have hung up their aprons. Long-time volunteers Frank Coady and Rudy Chowaniec, together with their wives Theresa and Minette, retired after a combined service of 46 years and over 6,300 hours.
“It was always our pleasure to come here," said Theresa Chowaniec. "It is a joy to see how well-loved the residents are here, so cared for by the staff.” Added Minette Coady, “It’s true what they say, happiness really is doing something good for someone else."
Rudy and Frank are members of the Knights of Columbus - St Christopher Council, a service group that has funded enhancements at both McConnell Place North and CapitalCare Dickinsfield. Their wives often came with them to volunteer, and held prayer groups.
We will miss them dearly and wish them well in retirement.
- Angela Bennett, Coordinator of Volunteer Services,
CapitalCare Dickinsfield
Winnifred Stewart, pictured here at 25 - an
active member of the Royal Canadian Air Force
Women's Division.
Royal Canadian Air Force veteran remembers her service ahead of her 100th birthday
We were proud of our uniform, blue, and if you didn’t leave Canada you didn’t get the Canada badge,” she said, tracing her finger over the shoulder badge...Read More.
Residents ready for Remembrance Day
October 31, 2017 - Edmonton Examiner - Emotional, indifferent and vowing to maintain world order. There are many thoughts running through the minds of staff and residents at the Kipnes Centre for Veterancs in the buildup to Remembrance Day next week. Read More
On May 24th, the ladies of CapitalCare Strathcona and Pieces Passion for Fashion teamed up to put on a fashion show that won’t soon be forgotten. After a champagne reception, participating residents assembled two different outfits for themselves, which they then modeled for an audience of staff, residents and friends.
Once the show was over, residents and friends spent the rest of the evening shopping from the beautiful selection of fashion pieces and enjoying baked treats, courtesy of Renee Rhodes.The event was co-hosted by Liz Ellett, a resident of Laurier House Strathcona, care practice lead Renee Rhodes and site director Liz Tanti.
Military veteran celebrates his 100th birthday in Edmonton
Global News, June 6, 2017 - For Jack Owen’s 100th birthday, family and friends pulled out the big guns – literally. Fletcher Kent has more on the military veteran’s celebration in Edmonton. Watch video
Four Korean War veterans were honoured by South Korea with Ambassador for Peace Medals.
Edmonton Journal - June 2 2017 - Kangjun Lee, representing the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Vancouver, presented the medals to the veterans in Edmonton’s Kipnes Centre for Veterans, where they all live.
Samuel Frischknet, William Greeley, Austin McClure and Kenneth Storey were recognized in front of family and friends, members of the Canadian Forces, and fellow veterans.
“When Canada called in 1950, these four gentlemen lost no time in answering the call to duty to defend South Korea and the free world,” said John McDonald, president of the Edmonton unit of the Korea Veterans Association of Canada.
McClure, 90, was a member of the Royal Canadian Engineers who served in Korea from 1952 until the end of the war. He was joined Thursday by his wife, Gail, and good friend Henry Tischer, who served in the Royal Canadian Air Force.
McClure said he was honoured to be receiving the medal and was at a loss for words.
“It was fantastic,” he said. “It’s a feeling that’s hard to describe.”
Lee spoke to the veterans and the crowd before presenting the medals.
He said even though 67 years have passed since the start of the war, the respect and gratitude from the Korean people has not diminished.
“We remember all these 27,000 Canadians who left their homes and families and risked their lives to fight for the people and the country they didn’t know well,” he said. “With all this sacrifice and service, generations of Koreans could have lived in a free and peaceful society.”
The peace medal can be presented to any Canadian who served in South Korea from 1950-55. The war (1950-53) began when North Korea invaded its southern neighbour. The UN came to South Korea’s assistance, and an armistice was eventually signed. The two Koreas have never signed a peace treaty, and are still technically at war.
About 27,000 Canadians fought in the war and 516 lost their lives.
The peace medals were originally given to veterans who were able to return to South Korea. The honour has since expanded to veterans who cannot make the long trip.
“Naturally, most of the Korean War veterans are quite elderly and it’s sometimes difficult to find them,” McDonald said. “So as we find them, we do the presentations and honour them for their service.”
McDonald previously received the peace medal himself for serving in the war. Click here to watch video of the medal ceremony.
High School students help residents celebrate Mothers’ Day with makeovers and music
Cosmetology and photography students from Jasper Place High School came to Laurier House Lynnwood May 12 to help some residents shine. Designed with Mother’s Day in mind, 24 students performed manicures, hair styling and makeup, before taking residents’ portraits.
Yvonne Szott, recreation therapy assistant at Laurier House Lynnwood worked with Jamie Imeson, JPHS teacher, to create a fun and relaxing atmosphere for the first “Let Us Help You Shine” event. Paper flowers in purple, yellow and green decorated the walls and residents enjoyed cookies and punch while waiting for a variety of services from 24 students who pampered them with more services they are used to receiving in the long-term care centre’s in-house salon; a duet of student musicians sang acoustic pop songs in the dining hall for the enjoyment of all residents.
Lorna McGhee-Lane has been a resident since October 2015. She positively glowed during her make up application. “I haven’t danced since I was their age,” she said referring to the students. “But tonight I feel like dancing.”
The event was a big hit with students, who graduate from high school next month and can challenge an exam that would allow them to work in the esthetics industry.
“We’re so close by and it’s a good opportunity for students to develop customer service skills,” said teacher Jamie Imeson, “Plus they get to do something for the community that also gives them real world experience. We look forward to doing another one of these events soon
Mikiko Van Horn, Communications Coordinator,
CapitalCare Corporate Services
Fort McMurray wildfire: one year later
Memories of kindness and compassion stand out for long-term care evacuees. They are gone, but not forgotten.
Lydia Kleppe and Naomi Mercer were two of nine long-term care residents evacuated from Fort McMurray to CapitalCare Lynnwood a year ago.
A photo of the city now hangs over the spot where the two roommates were reunited after being separated in the evacuation.
A twin of the photo also hangs on the long-term care of the Northern Lights Regional Health Centre, forever joining the two units in remembrance of the tragic circumstances that brought them together.
Both are a gift from Lydia’s daughter in appreciation of the efforts made by staff at both facilities to keep her mom safe. “The staff were amazing,” says Ingrid Kleppe, who also fled Fort McMurray with her family. “It gave me peace of mind to know my mom was safe and being well taken care of in Edmonton.”
Long-term care residents were airlifted out of Fort McMurray and arrived with nothing but the clothing they were wearing. What they found in Edmonton was nothing short of a second family.
CapitalCare Foundation, with donations from listeners of CFCW Radio, organized toiletries and clothing for them. When they went back, The Foundation provided suitcases so they could take their belongings with them. Some of those clothes still hang in Lydia’s closet today.
“It was an honour to have taken care of them during the disaster,” says Bonnie Roberts, Site Director of CapitalCare Lynnwood. “They will always be a part of our Lynnwood family.”
Lydia, Naomi and all but one resident returned to Fort McMurray last July.
“The most important thing was how we welcomed our residents back,” says Denise Wilkinson, Area Manager or Seniors Health in Fort McMurray. “We wanted a calm approach; there was no need to rush.”
Staff returned a month ahead of the residents to pack up residents’ belongings, and residents returned in small groups so that staff could assist them to sort through them.
Naomi has since passed away, and Lydia now lives in a private room on the long-term care unit.
Though reminders of the fire remain on the land and city around them, it is as the words on Lydia’s shirt says; “We are here. We are Strong.”
Mikiko Van Horn
Communications Coordinator,
CapitalCare, Corporate Services
Budget 2017: Edmonton's aging hospitals get $1 billion dose of treatment
Edmonton Sun March 17, 2017 - Also featured in the capital budget is $520 million for two projects on the Royal Alex campus: a new child and youth mental health building ($155 million) and an overhaul of CapitalCare Norwood, which provides continuing care and restorative care services. Read more
$364 million for new and improved facilities at Capital Care Norwood
Edmonton Journal March 17, 2017 - The oldest pavilion of the 205-bed facility, built in 1964, is in deplorable shape. This budget promises funding to rip that wing down, to renovate one of the other aging wings, and to add 145 new beds overall. That’s an important win, not just for Capital Care, which runs the facility, but for the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation. Read more
Laurier House Lynnwood's "Cover Girl" turns 100
Jean Jamieson was 97 years young when she was photographed for the cover of CapitalCare’s Laurier House brochure. On January 21, she celebrated her 100th birthday.
Constance Jean Jamieson (nee Morgan) was the child of English immigrants who settled in Edmonton near the beginning of the First World War. The newly completed High Level Bridge was the marvel of the time allowing the amalgamation of Strathcona, where the family lived, and Edmonton just across the river.
Jean was born and raised in Bonnie Doon, in an era where water was supplied by a communal well, where coal (for heat) was delivered by teams of horses, and where sanitary services were situated “out” by the alley for ease of pickup by the “honey wagon.” She attended King Edward Park and Rutherford schools, and spent her recreational time roller skating in summer and skating in winter.
She met her future husband, Allan Jamieson, through the community league, and was married during the Second World War years. Jean supported her husband in his growing livestock business, cooking, cleaning, canning and chauffeuring her two children and their friends. Coming from a musical family, she loved to sing and passed on her love and appreciation of music to her own children, as well as her six grandchildren, and now two great grandchildren, newly arrived.
She moved to the Crestwood community and lived on Candy Cane Lane for over 20 years. When her mobility became greatly reduced due to arthritis, she moved to Laurier House Lynnwood in 2006, and remained active, conversive and thoughtful of others.
“Mom really enjoys Laurier House,” says her son David. “She appreciates the staff and loves all the entertainment and goings on that happen so regularly.”
Jean attributes her longevity to the fact she has seldom been ill during the past ten decades. Her son adds his mom’s kindness, good humor and positive attitude has played a role in her long life.
“Her genuine interest in people has sustained in her an incredible vitality and enthusiasm for life,” says David Jamieson.
McConnell Places provide ideal supportive living for people with dementia
February 16, 2017 - Fort Saskatchewan resident Scott Day travels to Edmonton every day to visit his wife of 63 years, who has Alzheimer’s. He said he knows of seven people who have had to move to Sherwood Park or Edmonton to have the level of care someone with dementia needs. Read More.
Edmonton Oilers Honour Veterans on Remembrance Day
November 11, 2016 - Dr. Ken Abbey, a resident of the Kipnes Centre for Veterans, drops the puck for captain Connor McDavid at the Edmonton Oilers game on Remembrance Day. Retired Sergeant Abbey flew 34 missions over Germany during World War II. He was a tail gunner with the Lancaster Bomber Crew WW2 of the Royal Canadian Air Force. See it on SportsNet. Click here for video.
Dougald Miller lived at CapitalCare Norwood for 16 years.
September 26, 2016, Edmonton Journal - Lesley Miller was working at a hair salon in a small town in Scotland blissfully unaware that the man she would marry was her neighbour.
Dougald Miller moved to Canada and it was only because he came home to visit his parents that he eventually met Lesley and they fell in love. A year and half later, she joined him in Westlock, and they were married.
On Saturday night, after finding him improbably 34 years ago, Miller lost the man she describes as her soulmate.
"The nurses up there were so good with Dougald. They were so upset, they were crying last night. They've looked after Dougald for 15 years. I can't say enough good things about them," she said (Read More)
CHOICE Program marks 20 years of teamwork for AHS, CapitalCare
August 29, 2016 - For 20 years, Edmonton CHOICE Programs have been quietly keeping frail seniors out of hospitals, emergency rooms and long-term care - and in their homes where they prefer to age. Expansion of the program could do even more to ease the pressure on the health system as well as lighten the load for caregivers in need of support (Read More)
Feast on the Field raises thousands to help elderly and disabled adults
August 21, 2016, Edmonton Journal - It was a major win for Capital Care last week when some 400 fans dined in the end zone at Commonwealth Stadium and raised about $50,000.
Scoring big for one of the largest public continuing care organizations in Canada were three award-winning chefs: Brad Smoliak, chef and owner of Kitchen; Steve Buzak, the Royal Glenora Club’s chef and Zinc’s executive chef David Omar.
Savvy food-loving fans warmly applauded the chefs’ local sourced barbecued feast at Feast on the Field.
Francine Drisner, Capital Care’s chief operating officer, said the dinner would help provide care and services for 1,400 elderly and disabled adults living in 11 Edmonton care homes and 300 people in daycare programs
An increasing number of people are being diagnosed with dementia, but there is no cure.
“People with dementia may not speak one word, but when they hear a song they will sometimes start to sing and live in the moment,” she says.
“Music is very powerful and kept in a different place in the memory. As soon as music begins eyes often open, feet start tapping and hands clapping.”
Sadly, CapitalCare’s music grants are in jeopardy of ending and a $250,000 Don’t Stop the Music campaign has been launched. (Read More)
408 serves up beer, pancakes, and a whole lot more at veterans' centre
August 4, 2016 - Western Sentinel - Among the moments she'll remember in her 36-an-a-half career with the military, Warrant Officer Patricia MacWilliams of 408 Tactical Helicopter Squadron switched between tears and laughter when recalling her volunteer experience at the Kipnes Centre for Veterans. (Read More)
Aging gracefully at Laurier House
Lois Bergot (nee Cooke) was born on May 27, 1916 to an Alberta pioneer family - Emma (nee Boyd) and T.Edmund Cooke - who arrived in Grande Prairie by horse and cart in 1911 and established a sawmill.
The middle child of five siblings, Lois enjoyed a childhood filled with happy memories mostly associated with her superior athletic and musical achievements. In her teens, she was scouted by J. Percy Page, coach of the famous Edmonton Grads, but shortly thereafter, the team disbanded due to the onset of the depression and World War II. (Read More)
'Roomies' reunited by CapitalCare
May 30, 2016 - Alberta Health Services - When Naomi Mercer and Lydia Kleppe saw the flames and smoke rising outside their home at the Northern Lights Regional Health Centre in Fort McMurray, they were “scared to death.”
Naomi and Lydia, who met at Northern Lights this past January, have been inseparable ever since. The two women share a room in the continuing care unit and have forged a very strong bond.
When the centre was evacuated, the close friends became separated from each other. The two women left Fort McMurray with only the clothes on their backs. (Read More)
102 reasons to celebrate a birthday
June 10, 2016 - Alberta Health Services - Born before the First World War, centenarian Else Lindberg takes the cake at CapitalCare. Today, as the 102-year-old and her descendants gather to celebrate her birthday, she was surprised to see her birthday treats - including the stunning, many-layered Kransekage cake - were prepared by someone else, for a change. Read More
Benefactors endow Kipnes Centre for Veterans with comforts of home - and more
Edmonton Sun, November 11, 2015 - The Dianne and Irving Kipnes Centre for Veterans had a lot to celebrate on November 5th, when donors and community groups joined staff, residents and families for a tour of the continuing care centre they have made a true home over the past ten years (Read More)
Related Video: Kipnes Grand Opening (2005)
Dental hygiene services delivered to your door
University of Alberta, November 6, 2015 - The University of Alberta's School of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene is brining dental hygiene care directly to seniors' residences, making the trek to their dental hygienist much shorter. (Read More)
Health watchdog ranks Alberta Long Term Care centres
Edmonton Journal, October 28, 2015 - Most of the Edmonton zone’s 36 long-term care facilities — whether run by Alberta Health Services, privately owned or non-profit — scored well in terms of “global overall care". Ability to meet basic needs also earned mostly high scores across the board, ranging from 72.2 out of 100 at Edmonton Chinatown Care Centre to 98 out of 100 at CapitalCare Norwood. (Read More)
Apple Magazine, Fall 2015 - Khushboo Goyal, volunteer at CapitalCare Grandview often feels joy after giving. Khushboo Goyal says she often feels joy after giving. The 18-year old Edmontonian volunteers at CapitalCare Grandview. The high-school grad recently took CapitalCare's Loving Spoonful MealthtimeCompanion Training Program and n ow spends time on weekends helping residents eat breakfast. (Read full story on page 59)
Feast on the Field - A spectacular success!
Edmonton Journal, August 13 - Held on the turf at Commonwealth Stadium, Feast on the Field was a fundraiser for CapitalCare Foundation, which helps fund nursing homes in Edmonton (Read More)
Click here to view pictures from the event
Caring for seniors with casino night
Sherwood Park News - October 5, 2015 - Those wanting a fun night out can do so while benefitting a local seniors centre. Read More
Restorative care model may provide solution to Alberta’s hospital crisis
March 23, 2015 - Lois Davis, 90, is working hard at CapitalCare Norwood’s restorative care unit in Edmonton. The facility provides a transition place for patients to stay who don’t need to be in acute care in hospital but aren’t ready to go home.
Read More
Santa visits residents at McConnell Place North
December 23, 2014 - Santa and a group of Edmontonians 'adopted' residents at McConnell Place North, delivering present for each senior, as well as singing Christmas Carols.
Click here to view pictures.
From Hospital to Home in 50 Years
Operating in Edmonton and area since 1963, CapitalCare - Canada’s largest publicly-funded,
continuing care organization - marked 50 years of caring in 2013. As if reaching this important milestone
were not enough for an organization that grew from 72 beds in one auxiliary hospital to nearly 1,400
across 10 residential centres, CapitalCare also received recognition in its anniversary year as one of
Alberta’s top employers, and one of Canada’s safest employers.
(Read More)
Community Matters: One Spoonful at a time. CapitalCare Dickinsfield volunteer helps with
the Loving Spoonfuls initiative.
After suffering from a complex eye condition that left him with severe vision loss for seven years,
Manuel DaCruz became unable to work and was forced into an unexpected early retirement.
DaCruz, though at the time uncertain as to his own future, took the opportunity to become
involved in his community and has been an active volunteer with CapitalCare Dickinsfield for the
last five years.
(Read More)
CHOICE Edmonton Day Program - An Outlet for Social Seniors
March 1, 2014 - Adult day programs are growing in popularity across the country as governments recognize the advantages to supporting the frail elderly to age in place. One model for such delivery is the Comprehensive Home Options of Integrated Care for the Elderly (CHOICE) program in Edmonton, Alberta.
(Read More)
Anonymous donor provides cool treats for staff and residents at CapitalCare Norwood
August 16, 2013 -Hundreds of servings of ice cream were dropped off at CapitalCare Norwood on Friday, August 16. The donation came through the Dairy Queen located in Sherwood Park.
(Read More)
CapitalCare Staff Shows a Passion for Compassion
Celebrating its 50th anniversary as an organization in 2013, CapitalCare has been leading the way in
continuing care in Edmonton with innovative models, and the recruitment and retention of caring staff
dedicated to improving the quality of life for the people it serves.
(Read More)
Yarn bombers brighten the day for Edmonton Seniors
May 18, 2013 - Anonymous "yarn bombers" brightened the day for seniors at a north Edmonton care facility by lining their garden fence with over a hundred crocheted sunflower.
(Read More)
CapitalCare celebrated 50 Years in 2013
The Spring 2014 issue of Caring Now magazine, the magazine of the Alberta Continuing Care Association,
features photos and an article based on the displays we produced for our 50th anniversary year.
(Read More)
CapitalCare Introduces Resident-Centred Concepts into the Dining Experience
December 2012 - For most people, meals are an important part of the day; in residential care facilities, the take on added significance. Not only do meal times mark the passage, they are often the highlight.
(Read More)
New menu for seniors
Edmonton Sun, July 31, 2012 - Capital Care is bringing long-term care residents a taste of home. Canada’s largest public continuing care provider unveiled a new home-style food menu and a revamped dining room at its Grandview location Tuesday.
(Read More)
Number of country's centenarians rising fast
National Post, May 29, 2012 - Two Kipnes Centre for Veterans residents share their secrets for living a century.
(Read More)
Making the visible shift to resident-centred care
Axiom News, January 06, 2012 - It has long been recognized that the kitchen is the heart of any home, but for far too many elderly residents in long-term care, comfort can be hard to come by in the sterile dining halls and kitchens where their meals are served.
In mid-December, Edmonton’s CapitalCare — Canada’s largest public long-term care provider — took a grand step towards bringing comfort back into its oldest kitchens and dining rooms with the launch of a newly-renovated gathering space at one of its homes.
(Read More)
Bequest builds bistro at CapitalCare Norwood Palliative Care
It’s not often that someone leaves their life savings to a hospital. But Walter Hubschmid was more than happy to give what he had to the centre where he spent his final days. With no wife or kids of his own, he chose to give his $250,000 in savings back to CapitalCare Norwood. Hubschmid was a former farmer who lost his battle with emphysema in November of 2009.
Edmonton Sun, October 6 2011
See also
Global TV News, October 6 2011 - Download and view the video (5MB)
Integrated care benefits seniors and cash-strapped governments
Globe and Mail, July 12, 2011 - Lillian Clyne is spending the afternoon knitting a scarf at CapitalCare Norwood in Edmonton, a one-stop health-care and recreational centre for the elderly with chronic medical conditions.
Twice a week, a bus picks up Mrs. Clyne at her home and takes her to the centre, where she is assessed by medical staff and participates in her favourite activities – knitting and painting ceramics.
(Read More)
Senator Tommy Banks holds piano concert at CapitalCare Grandview
CapitalCare Grandview (Edmonton, Alberta) held a piano concert featuring jazz pianist and Senator Tommy Banks on June 8, 2011. The Rotary Club of Edmonton West generously donated the grand piano to the long-term care facility.
Watch the video.
Edmonton Journal, April 5, 2011 - Music therapist Carla Rugg and Lando, a Canine Assisted Intervention dog visit CapitalCare Norwood Palliative Hospice. Edmonton Journal photo gallery - April 5 2011
The soothing sounds of music therapy
Edmonton Sun, March 13 2011 - As the tune of Amazing Grace flows out of a guitar, terminal cancer patient Neville Nero is taken to another place for a brief moment where he can forget he is in palliative care. Music therapist Carla Rugg made her way around Edmonton’s CapitalCare Norwood Palliative Hospice Sunday afternoon much like she does every week. Her job is to bring music, comfort and some relief to families and patients that are facing death.
(Read More)
Computer tool tracks, improves seniors' care
Alberta Health Services, March 23 2011 - “Now I’ve started to live my life. It’s changed. I could hardly lift my hands before — and now I can be more independent,” says Jerry Onyschuk, 60, who has MS and uses a wheelchair.
(Read More)
A grand piano arrives at CapitalCare Grandview
CapitalCare Grandview is home to 145 elderly and disabled adults who need 24 nursing care and services. The Rotary Club of Edmonton West supports this centre through donations that enhance quality of life for residents. Their most recent donation is a brand new grand piano, valued at $32,000. This video shows the joy it brought to residents who assembled in anticipation of the grand piano arriving.
Watch the video
2011 Valentine's Day Gala
Edmonton Journal, February 14, 2011 - The February 14 event was sponsored by Edmonton Opera and CapitalCare as a fundraising collaboration between continuing care and the arts.
View the Edmonton Journal photo gallery.
On November 5, 2010 members of Edmonton Opera paid a surprise visit to the CapitalCare Kipnes Centre for Veterans.
Watch the video
Edmonton Sun, July 23 2010 - Helicopter squadron serves breakfast to veterans
120 veterans were served pancakes by members of the 408 Tactical Helicopter Squadron at the annual Capital EX breakfast at the Kipnes Centre for Veterans.
(Read More)
There's just no stopping this lady - CapitalCare Strathcona volunteer relates well with seniors
Edmonton Examiner, April 8, 2010 - Helen Lavender doesn't let retirement stop her from keeping busy.
This avid volunteer and former teacher spends most of her week volunteering at a variety of organizations, one of which is CapitalCare Strathcona.
(Read More)
You can go home again
CapitalCare Grandview orthopedic rehabilitation program helps surgery patients return home sooner.
Alberta Health Services Innovation Improving Care, April 1, 2010 - Grace Foster is home again, sooner than she expected. The 77-year-old had surgery on her fractured right hip last month. After two weeks in an Edmonton orthopedic rehabilitation program, she returned to her home in Beaumont.
(Read More)
Seniors have CHOICE
Alberta Health Services Innovation Improving Care, February 2010 - Edmonton program catches problems before they require emergency care. At 85 years old, Frank Blackwell has just discovered how much he loves dominoes, card games and the interesting stories of new friends. He discovered these passions after being referred to the CHOICE program at CapitalCare Norwood in Edmonton.
(Read More
Caring when it counts: Government workers play Good Samaritan to special seniors
Edmonton Sun December, 2009 - Struggling with multiple chronic ailments, long-term care resident June Evans hasn't seen or heard from her children or grandchildren for more than 10 years. So when a brightly-coloured bag stuffed with Christmas gifts from strangers was delivered to her bedside recently, she was almost in tears.
(Read More)
Myth Busting: Proven dynamics in geriatric care
Care magazine Winter, 2009 - Continuing care today provides opportunities in leadership, innovation and relationships. This feature showcases the variety of work of three different Licensed Practical Nurses working for CapitalCare.
(Read More)
A purr-fect prescription for therapy
Edmonton Journal October 19, 2009 - David Younie and Shadow were destined to be good friends. He loves cats and she is one, and both live at the Strathcona Alzheimer Care Centre.
(Read More)
Being: an approach to dementia care Senior Care Canada, second quarter 2009
(Read More)
CTV News June 6, 2008 - Furry new neighbours move into continuing care centre
(Read More)
Edmonton Sun, June 7, 2008 - Critters delight city seniors
(Read More)
Edmonton Journal, May 10, 2008 - Breathing new life into your job
(Read More)
November 19, 2008 - Institute for Continuing Care Education and Research selects interim director
(Read More)
June 6, 2008 - Miniature horse and pot-bellied pig arrive at summer home at continuing care centre
(Read More)
February 25, 2008 - Landmark partnership aims to enhance continuing care
About the Institute for Continuing Care, Education and Research
February 8, 2008 - Futurist Richard Worzel speaks about the Challenges of the Future of Health Care at the People & Progress Conference
(Read More)
February 6, 2008 - Life or Death: Who decides? Panel of experts discusses treatment decisions at the end of life at the People & Progress Conference.
(Read More)